SG CHILL SERVER merch drop vol.1

SG CHILL SERVER merch drop vol.1


"Hey guys!! This is a general SG server, so feel free to use it to chill, chat & make friends! Please don't be shy because you are always welcome here!" as the welcome message goes, this is a discord server to bring people of all walks of life together seeking to expand their social circle. Created by a single individual widely known as "Weng" or "Chicken lord"

Direct excerpt from the discord: 

1. Who the heck is Chicken Weng? HENLO THERE!!! I'm aka the @Founding Chicken of this server! You can call me Weng, Chicken, Chicken Weng or tonight. I'm just a humble 24F (at time of writing) that loves socialising and creating communities! For a full intro of myself, do head over to the very first message in 👋-intro-yourself . Do know that I'm very happy & thankful to have you in this server, and I hope to eventually be able to meet and become friends with you! If you have any questions/feedback/concerns about the server, my DMs are ALWAYS open. Cheers!! P.s. I'm u/YourLocalSGChicken on Reddit (doxxing myself bc it's my public reddit account, feel free to stalk away kek). It would really help me out if you could ping/tag me whenever you see lonely souls on r/singapore or r/asksingapore looking for friends OR just people to do stuff with!

2. What's the origin of this server? This server started out in December 2021. Being an ex-introvert, I know how it feels to be lonely at home on public holidays while everyone is out with their family or friends + not to mention it was covid 5 pax then! Hence I decided to host an online games night. The first one was really succesful already, I counted at least 40 peeps joining. This was just after one week of the server being created iirc! That led to another, and another till I had enough people to create a general singapore discord server. It's always been a dream of mine to create acommunity, so i took the chance it converted it right there and then. Its now the bustling server you see today! I don't want to stop here though. I value my connections with each and every single one of you, but I want to see this server blow up and be the BIGGEST SINGAPORE DISCORD SERVER EVER. LETSGO PEEPSSS, help a humble chicken fufill her dreams!! WE CAN DO THIS!!! ❤️

The server has been going on for more than a year, with its inception in Dec 2021. It is way overdue for an official anniversary commemorative merch drop, hence here we are. 


All the designs were designed by members of the server. With such a diverse range of people of all ages, interests and profession you won't be surprised to find many talented artists. To be frank, the call for submissions were quite abrupt which may be the reason for a lack of submissions. But nonetheless we still got quite a few and had to reject a couple of them due to the lack of time (hopefully we'll get a vol.2 soon? 🤞)


Well it's a long learning process, from getting submissions to finalizing the designs, prepping for photoshoot and the shoot itself. We were fortunate again to have experienced photographers junne aka purp and aka zero to help us throughout the photoshoot. Also BIG BIG thanks to the members who modelled for us, Moon, Weng, and especially Quick & Myojo who are not camera shy at all! 

It is 9:17pm as I am writing this, posting the timeline for the official drop and delivery timelines soon! Enjoy the BTS pics! - xiong yao (mcpk)

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